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LAA_PR_AZ14The complete report can be found at
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LAA_PR_AZ14The complete report can be found at
Today, Look Ahead America’s Research Director Ian Camacho released the following letter in response to the many fabrications in liar Kaleigh Roger’s hit piece on LAA’s Voter Integrity Project’s reports.
LAA_Response_to_538View PDF of this press release here.
Look Ahead has a complete video recording of the interview Rogers conducted with Camacho, proving her dishonesty in her report.
We are also making available the entire email chain further demonstrating Rogers’ mendacity, which you can see below.
LAA_Rogers_EmailChainView PDF of this press release here.
LAA PR ProAmerica School Board ResolutionThe resolution can be found at
If you pursue passing this within your school district, please notify us at so we can support your effort.
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LAA_ProAmericaSchoolResolution_FinalBView PDF of this press release here.
LAA_PR_J6Vigil_FinalPlease send questions to
For vigil location questions on January 6, please contact Kimmie Gonzalez, 904.814.5015.
To learn more details about the status of the J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at
You may also listen to our interviews with some of these prisoners and hear their stories firsthand on our podcast “The Political Prisoner” at
Washington DC – Today, Look Ahead America announced that they would lead a nationwide effort to host candlelight vigils around the country in honor of the hundreds of Americans who have been targeted for political prosecution as a result of exercising their First Amendment rights at the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and to commemorate the murder of Ashli Babbitt and apparent murder of Rosanne Boyland at the hands of Capitol and DC Police officers.
LAA Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:
January 6th is the one-year anniversary of the beginning of our government’s immoral and unconstitutional political persecution of hundreds of our brothers and sisters who exercised their First Amendment rights to seek redress of grievances on January 6th.
This is also the anniversary of the day that our sister Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran, was murdered by a Capitol Police Officer, and the apparent murder of Rosanne Boyland by DC Police.
Around the country and even around the world, we invite our supporters to host these vigils to raise awareness of our government’s betrayal of these citizens and our fundamental values to perpetuate the phony “insurrection” narrative. We encourage everyone to join us for this peaceful and somber demonstration of our patriotic resolve that these victims will not be forgotten and the crimes of our political leaders will not be forgiven.
The DC vigil will run from 6 PM to 7 PM at the DC Prison, and additional vigils around the country will be announced over the next two weeks. Those interested in hosting a vigil or receiving updates about vigils in their area should sign up at
View PDF of this press release here.
To learn more details about the status of the J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at
You may also listen to our interviews with some of these prisoners and hear their stories firsthand on our podcast “The Political Prisoner” at
Washington DC – Look Ahead America today released our analysis of Texas’s attempt at election integrity, Senate Bill 1.
Look Ahead America’s Research Director, Ian Camacho, who led the development of the report, stated the following:
Texas Senate Bill 1 does nothing to change the underlying issues with elections and in many cases makes the situation worse.
From the 35-page analysis:
Texas S.B. 1 purports to achieve voter integrity, however, the voters of Texas deserve much higher standards from their elected officials in addressing voter fraud and election integrity.
Not only does it fail at all of Look Ahead America’s core objectives to strengthen our elections, in many cases it actually undermines voter integrity. Not in the way that the Department of Justice claims it does, however, as the bill makes clear that the laws are not to discriminate against those with disabilities and leaves room for their aid. Likewise, at various points many accommodations are made for those with disabilities, those in need, those in hospice or assisted living. The actions by the DOJ appear at best uninformed and at worst political theater.
LAA’s Research Group produced the 35-page VISAGE Report which includes a full summary of the bill as well as an analysis of how well it addresses key election integrity concerns.
View PDF of this press release here.
LAA_PR_TXSB1Look Ahead America released the second episode in The Political Prisoner podcast series. In this episode, Matt and Kimmie are joined by special guest, Cara Castronuova.
Cara is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution (CAPP) and The People’s January 6th Commission. She has a background in professional sports and fitness and she uses that same energy and fighting spirit in seeking truth and justice for January 6 defendants. Her work as an activist and investigative journalist has led to new revelations into what really happened to Rosanne Boyland at the US Capitol on January 6th.
Join us as we discuss the tragic death of Rosanne Boyland and the issues her family is facing as they demand answers from the government. To listen to the podcast, go to our Anchor home page You can also find us on Apple, Spotify, and your favorite platform.
To learn more details about the status of all the J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at
Washington DC – Look Ahead America is proud to announce three major victories on vaccine mandates and election integrity:
Florida Limits Vaccine Mandates. Our volunteers contacted all state legislators ahead of the Special Session to share constituent concerns and request meetings. We held many meetings with legislators via zoom. We called, emailed and/or spoke with every member of the Commerce Committee where this Covid-19 bill first appeared, and made sure they were fully educated about citizens’ demands for medical liberty.
Rural Georgia County Votes to Allow Sunday Voting. We successfully convinced Cherokee County to allow voting on Sunday to give rural, patriotic churches the same opportunity to organize “Souls to the Polls” as urban, progressive churches in places like Fulton and DeKalb. This is our first major victory in our Patriotic Souls to the Polls initiative and our team is working to allow Sunday voting in every rural county in the state.
New Jersey Legislation Requiring Open Source Voting Introduced. New Jersey State Senator Pennachio has introduced legislation to require all elections in the state use open source voting equipment. S-4162 came after extensive meetings between LAA’s local volunteers and the senator and his staff. It is a major first step towards getting rid of unreliable black-box voting equipment produced by companies like Dominion Voting Systems.
LAA Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:
While these victories aren’t grabbing headlines or getting the attention of DC’s dilettante chattering class, they are real and they are progress, and they are what will ultimately make a difference. They did not come as the result of billionaire donors or media manipulation. They happened because of our volunteers engaging in America First community organizing.
Over the next month, our volunteer leadership in over thirty states are launching additional initiatives that will lead to more wins that eventually add up to the kind of major victories we need to save our county.
To get involved with America First community organizing, please sign up to volunteer at
View PDF of this press release here.