LAA Praises President Trump for Broad J6 Pardons and Commutations, Calls for Accountability, Restitution, and National Memorial and Day of Remembrance

Today, Look Ahead America’s Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:

By broadly pardoning, commuting, and dropping charges against those politically persecuted for their involvement in the January 6th First Amendment Exercise, President Trump has ensured that our long national nightmare is over, and for none more so than the victims and their families.

From firing grenades into a peaceful and lawfully assembled crowd, to violent early morning raids at the homes of unarmed civilians while aiming assault weapons at their families, to lying to corrupt DC judges and semi-literate, anti-American DC juries, to physical and mental abuse in the gulags, to the deprivation of the ability to earn a living and making families financially destitute, to the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt—the Biden Regime, the F.B.I., the Department of Justice, the Capitol Police, and the mainstream media have committed a grave crime against patriotic Americans and caused great harm to our nation.

But thanks to President Trump’s brave actions last night, that wound can begin to heal, and we thank him for it.

What’s needed next is for the new Department of Justice and Congressional leadership to conduct investigations, hold the criminals who perpetrated this injustice accountable, and provide restitution to the victims.

But that is not enough: we believe this assault on Americans must never be forgotten and are calling for the federal government to establish a national memorial and to designate a national holiday naming January 6th “Patriot Day.”

Look Ahead America has been a leading voice in the #JusticeforJ6 movement, organizing over 70 rallies across the country, documenting presidential candidates’ positions on the issue, producing the Political Prisoner Podcast to give victims a platform to share their stories, and creating the J6 Database, the only comprehensive resource on those politically prosecuted. Additionally, LAA launched Jobs for J6 to help those who lost employment secure new opportunities to support their families.

Read the PDF version of this press release here. 

Look Ahead America Applauds J.D. Vance’s Commitment to Justice for J6

Washington, D.C. – Today, Look Ahead America’s Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:

After the Biden Administration spent four years politically persecuting patriotic Americans for exercising their First Amendment rights on January 6th, we are heartened by Vice President-elect J.D. Vance’s reaffirmation of the incoming administration’s commitment to restoring justice for these individuals.

There are currently 1,593 Americans who’ve been arrested by the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice. 961 of them have not been charged with any violent acts, and many of those charged with “violence” face trumped-up or false accusations from corrupt prosecutors. J6ers who have gone to trial have endured abuse from prosecutors and judges who willfully based their decisions on documented lies. While left-wing protesters who engaged in identical actions during past protests received mere slaps on the wrist, the J6 patriots have faced over-prosecution and -sentencing so egregious that even the Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional.

We applaud J.D. Vance’s commitment to those who, in his words, were “provoked” or received “garbage trials.’ The new administration represents a rising sun, pushing back the dark night of injustice that America has endured under the Biden Administration.

Look Ahead America has been a leading voice in the #JusticeforJ6 movement, organizing over 70 rallies across the country, documenting presidential candidates’ positions on the issue, producing the Political Prisoner Podcast to give victims a platform to share their stories, and creating the J6 Database, the only comprehensive resource on those politically prosecuted. Additionally, LAA launched Jobs for J6 to help those who lost employment secure new opportunities to support their families.

Download the full press release here.


LAA Launches TV, Radio, Billboards to Discourage Non-Citizen Voting

Today, Look Ahead America launched our educational campaign to discourage noncitizens from voting, including TV, radio, and billboard ads running in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson. LAA’s Executive Director Matt Braynard mad the following statement:

Noncitizens voting in federal elections is illegal under the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.” However, there are still cases of it occurring, putting noncitizens at risk of facing serious charges and of affecting the outcome of our elections.

Just last month, the Department of Justice convicted an illegal immigrant from Guatemala of voting illegally. In August, Governor Glenn Youngkin removed 6,300 non-citizens from Virginia’s voter rolls. Even more troubling is a peer-reviewed, scientific study published in Electoral Studies found non-citizens voting in federal elections did, in fact, affect the outcome of critical elections.

And in recent months, the risk of non-citizens voting has increased, as the federal government has blocked the attempt by the state of Alabama from removing noncitizen voters from their roles, and Oregon admitted they mistakenly registered noncitizens to vote.

As a public service, Look Ahead America is delivering a message on Spanish-language TV, radio, and on billboards in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson: if you are a citizen, vote, but if you are not, you put yourself at risk of arrest and other serious consequences if you cast an illegal ballot.

We are hoping to raise funds to expand to other media markets, including Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and others. Those interested in making a tax-deductible, not-publicly-disclosed contribution to support this effort can do so at

View the PDF version of this press release here.

LAA Releases Exclusive Presidential Answers to the J6 Question

Today, coinciding with the Iowa Caucus, Look Ahead America (LAA) is proud to release an exclusive video compilation featuring responses from all Republican presidential candidates.

LAA’s Executive Director made the following statement:

We are proud of our volunteers for collecting these videos, and we’re proud of the many activists who have helped us put this issue front-and-center before the electorate and the candidates.

Although the candidates’ responses to the J6 Question vary, each one displays sympathy towards the nonviolent patriots who have faced scrutiny from the DOJ and the FBI.

This would not have been possible without the courage of thousands of Americans who joined their voices together on behalf of the Justice for J6 movement. Across over seventy rallies, vigils, and protests led by LAA and others over the past three years, countless letters, phone calls, and conversations, we’ve moved the needle.

Our movement will not be ignored and we know that one day, this country will deliver justice to the victims of this persecution.

We encourage patriots everywhere to share this video with their fellow Americans, especially those in early primary states, so that voters can be informed of where the candidates stand on the most important civil rights cause of our time.

Look Ahead America Announces DOJ Protest for January 6th, 2024

Look Ahead America (LAA) has secured all necessary permits to conduct a protest outside the Department of Justice in Washington DC at noon on Saturday, January 6th, 2024.

The protest will feature several special guests and LAA invites all incumbents and qualified candidates for Federal office to speak at the event. Please contact Julie Fisher at if interested.

Look Ahead America’s founder and executive director Matt Braynard made the following statement:

This protest is to send the message that patriotic Americans have not forgotten the continuing abuses and injustices suffered by our brothers and sisters at the hands of the DOJ and FBI following their peaceful participation in Capitol protests three years ago.

We will again raise our voices to tell the DOJ, the FBI, the Biden Administration, and the country that we demand pardons, clemency, and leniency for our fellow Americans who’ve been persecuted not for their actions but for their political beliefs.

The protest will take place outside the Department of Justice at 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington on Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at noon.

LAA Responds to False Claims, Misinformation from Prince William Registrar, Prince William Times

Today a story was published in the Prince William Registrar regarding Look Ahead America’s (LAA) project, Virginia Voter Assistance (VVA), that includes false and misleading statements from Prince William County Registrar Eric Olsen as well as from the reporter who wrote the story, Cher Muzyk.

Virginia Voter Assistance’s efforts in Virginia are entirely truthful and within the law, and Registrar Olsen would make better use of his time helping voters cast their ballots rather than attempting to suppress our voter turnout effort with obviously false claims. Our attorneys are also preparing letters for the Registrar demanding a retraction and correction of these false claims.

False Claim #1: VVA Flyers contain “intentionally false disinformation” about the consequences of not voting.

Every word on our flyer is true. Failure to vote may result in a loss of any number of rights and benefits. If anything, our flyer undersells the danger of not voting because while we say that these benefits “may” be lost, the loss of several of them is nearly inevitable without urgent engagement from voters at the ballot box.

For example, both Medicare and Social Security will be insolvent within a few years according to the Federal government. In California and Washington State, child custody will be taken away if a parent does not affirm a child’s “gender.” Recent child tax credits have also been withdrawn post-COVID. The civil forfeiture laws in Virginia allow the state to seize personal property for alleged crimes they could never get a criminal conviction for due to much lower standards of proof.

These and all other rights and benefits are at tremendous risk of loss and the best remedy to possibly prevent that is to vote.

False Claim #2: LAA or VVA is “Far right” or Supports Candidates for Public Office.

LAA is an IRS-recognized 501c3 nonprofit in good standing and we do not support any candidate or any right or left ideology. We are committed community organizers serving an underrepresented class, disaffected patriotic Americans of rural and blue collar backgrounds.

We have never supported any candidate for public office or any political party.

False Claim #3: VVA claims rights or benefits are based on voting history.

Nowhere on our flyer was that claim ever made. The flyer asserts that failure to vote may result in a loss of treasured rights, freedoms, and benefits, and there is an abundance of evidence of this in our history and in the present day.

False Claim #4: VVA improperly submitted absentee ballot request forms.

According to the Virginia Department of Elections, scanned copies of absentee ballot requests may be submitted via email. To quote, “Return the completed and signed form to your local registrar’s office by mail, fax, or scanned attachment to an email.” (See

In all cases where we submitted such forms, it was at the request of a voter who asked for assistance, such as the elderly or disabled. We have also offered to provide hard copies to the registrar.

False Claim #5: VVA has not completed state required training.

All VVA team members in the field have completed the state-required training and signed the affidavit for third-party voter registration efforts.

However, this is required only for individuals or organizations requesting more than 25 voter registration forms from the state or a county with the intent to conduct a voter registration drive. (See

VVA has never requested any voter registration forms from the state or any county, has never carried voter registration forms, and has never registered any voters, has never offered to register any voters, and will not engage in any voter registration efforts through the 2023 General Election in Virginia.

Read the press release here.

Georgia Voter Fraud Case Referred to Attorney General by State Board of Elections

At yesterday’s Georgia State Board of Elections, after hearing from Secretary of State investigators, the board voted anonymously to refer a case submitted by Look Ahead America to the Attorney General for Prosecution.

Matt Braynard who attended the hearing made the following statement:

While this illegal vote was cast in 2022, the evidence was discovered by our research division using the same methodology we used to discover thousands of illegally cast ballots in Georgia and elsewhere following the 2020 Election, and this decision is a validation of our broader work.

We have successfully removed illegal voters from the rolls in over thirty Georgia counties, but we have many remaining open cases with the Georgia Secretary of State. We encourage them to continue to investigate and prosecute these additional instances of illegal voting.

There is a lot of work to do, but Look Ahead America will not rest until our nation’s elections are secure and voter confidence in them is restored.


Download the PDF press release here. 

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ProPublica Targets Look Ahead America

The following is a letter from Look Ahead America’s executive director and founder, Matt Braynard. 

Good Morning,

I want to share some urgent news.

The same outlet that tried to smear Justice Samuel Alito is now trying to smear Look Ahead America because of our election integrity efforts.

The effectiveness of our advocacy for improved election integrity laws, our assistance to voters trying to remove “dead wood” from their local voting rolls, and our submission of evidence to states and counties that has resulted in multiple voter fraud convictions and the deletion of countless illegitimate voters across the country has drawn the attention of the Soros-funded leftwing hit-squad known as ProPublica.

And just as Justice Alito set the record straight ahead of ProPublica’s publication, we’re setting the record straight with you ahead of their story coming out.

They sent us three misleading questions built on false premises. Rather than answering them privately, we are answering them publicly so that our complete responses will not be butchered or taken out of context as is the habit ProPublica.

You’re not taking flack unless you’re over the target. But ProPublica will not stop us from:

Fighting for election integrity.

Standing up for the civil rights of political prisoners. 

Training new community organizers.

Launching aggressive voter turnout and registration operations serving disaffected patriotic Americans of rural and blue collar backgrounds. 

ProPublica might have George Soros and other likeminded anti-American globalists funding their agenda, but I’d take your support over those clowns any day. Please help us stay in the fight with a contribution at

America First, America Forever.

Matt Braynard

PS: ProPublica is trying to take down Look Ahead America, but we aren’t going to be intimidated and we aren’t going to give up. Please help us with stay in this fight with a contribution at


Download the press release responding to ProPublica’s questions here: LAA_PR_ProPublica_rev.