LAA’s Analysis of Rep. Paul Gosar’s Voting Equipment Bill
Nothing will help restore confidence in our elections more than banning black box voting equipment, and the study of open source alternatives required by Representative Paul Gosar’s HB466 is a great first step.
To view LAA’s analysis of HB466, see the attached PDF or visit
To learn more about open source versus black box voting, visit
February Beginning Community Organizer Training Interactive Webinar
On Tuesday, February 28th, we will host another Community Organizer Training Webinar at 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific.
Registration is limited to the first 100 people and as a supporter of our organization, we invite you to attend for only $5. Please schedule up to three hours; time varies depending on the number of participants. You must register in advance and attend the full webinar in order to earn the Community Organizer – Basic Certification.
Please register here:
Sunday Movie Nights
Your best channel for movies? The LAA GUILDED SERVER!
Join us for Sunday movie nights, 5 PM P / 8 PM E.
February 26 • America: Imagine The World Without Her
March 5 • Tucker Carlson Originals: Battle for the Border & The Illegal Invasion
March 12 • Border Patrol Agents: Risk Takers (Episode 1)
March 19 • Cartel Country: The Untold Story of America’s Black Market on the Border; and Tucker Carlson Orginals: Hunting MS13
March 26 • The Mule with Clint Eastwood
Guilded video tutorial
Monday Book Nights
Join us for Monday Online Book Club, 5:30 PM P / 8:30 PM E.
February 27 • The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe (first of four volumes in The Book of the New Sun series (7-10 chapters a week for the next month)
Jobs for #J6
Look Ahead America has advocated for the political prisoners of January 6th with rallies, candlelight vigils, and our Political Prisoner Podcast.
“Jobs for #J6” serves as a connection for employers able to employ those seeking work who’ve lost their livelihoods—not for what they have done but for what they believe.
If you are a Political Prisoner of #J6 or able to offer employment to one, please go to to join our movement to help them rebuild their lives.
In the News
“Look Ahead America, founded in 2017 by an ex-campaign staffer for former President Donald Trump, has been lobbying for many of those changes.
According to Executive Director Matt Braynard, his team has met with state representatives and senators across America as part of their efforts, including in Pennsylvania. About two dozen states have announced new election-related bills since 2021, and nearly half of them have become law, he said.”
Please Help!
All of our audits, training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at
Connect with LAA on Social Media
America First, America Forever.