Washington, D.C. – Today Look Ahead America (LAA) released its first 2023 legislative report card featuring over 100 bills from across the USA that reflect its six election integrity objectives.
Matt Braynard, Executive Director of Look Ahead America, made the following statement:
This year is shaping up to overtake 2020-2022 in the number and quality of election integrity of bills introduced, and we are excited to see items previously ignored being taken up and even introduced federally.
LAA’s state-based community organizers will continue to push LAA’s policy objectives on election integrity through their state legislatures and into law.
To read the full report, visit https://LookAheadAmerica.org/2023ReportCard.
To learn more about Look Ahead America’s six election integrity objectives, visit https://LookAheadAmerica.org/integrity.
Support Look Ahead America at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Donate.
View PDF of this press release here.