The Left is PANICKING About LAA

Today, Look Ahead America’s Executive Director Matt Braynard shared the following message to LAA supporters:

Just as I expected – as word of our effort to turn out patriotic Americans to vote in Virginia’s elections this year got out, the left has gone into PURE MELTDOWN MODE.

Both the Richmond Times Dispatch and left-wing rag Raw Story attacked us for having the audacity to …. encourage disaffected Patriotic Americans of rural and blue-collar backgrounds to vote!

You can read the stories here:

Richmond Times Dispatch:

Raw Story:

But the bad news for them is this: we’re not backing down, we’re doubling down.

I’m asking you to stand with us and make a tax-deductible, nondisclosed contribution to us to MAKE SURE PATRIOTS VOTE AND THAT THOSE VOTES COUNT at

The truth is America’s far left are terrified of our plan to Get Out The Vote of people like us who would not otherwise vote in this year’s low-turnout election in Virginia. The idea of us door knocking, sending mail, making calls, sending texts, and digitally targeting these voters is their worst nightmare.

But remember: the flak only gets heavy when you’re over the target.

We expect many more media attacks on our efforts in the coming weeks. Please stand with us to help us EXPAND our efforts at

Before I close, I’ll let you in on a secret:

This is bigger than the 2023 state elections in Virginia. If we can prove our method of turning out patriotic voters using a 501(c)(3) with high pressure tactics works here, then we will open the door to resources that will allow us to do it nationwide in the Presidential election in 2024.

Already, George Soros’s favorite media outlet, ProPublica, has taken attacked us, and more are starting to pile on.

The left will do everything they can to stop us from voting. Help us fight back by contributing today at  

Remember: the only reason we can do what we do is because of your support. Mail, door knockers, phone calls, texts, digital, etc. all costs money, and there’s only one opportunity for you to support a group doing what we’re doing that is tax-deductible and does not publicly disclose your contribution, and that’s Look Ahead America.

America First, America Forever. 

PS: Your donation today will help us turn out patriotic voters end ensure that vote is counted. Support us at Thank you.