Washington, DC – With the 2022 primary elections almost at an end, Look Ahead America (LAA) released an update to its report card documenting each state’s efforts to reform their election operations to restore public confidence in elections. Since the original report in April, LAA has added an additional 13 bills from all state legislatures.
Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research, made the following statement:
People have often approached us asking “Why should we trust voting in 2022 after what we witnessed in 2020?” I agree that the skepticism is warranted, and there’s still a ton of work to be done, but many states have shrunk the window of vulnerabilities from 2 years ago, especially in 4 swing states. My only hope is that all states will focus on our other areas, aside from just “Zuck Bucks” area which has the most attention at the moment.
From the report:
Across the country, between 2021-2022, state legislators introduced 61 bills that addressed our six election integrity objectives. Of these, 13 bills passed into law without loopholes (4.33% of our goal) and another two passed although on a county level. 14 other state bills passed, albeit with loopholes. Considering that LAA started this effort in 2021 and given our limited budget, this success is largely attributed to our base of highly-motivated volunteers all across the USA and our generous small donors who enable us to continue.
To read the full details of the report, check it out at https://lookaheadamerica.org/Aug22reportcard.
For details on the upcoming intermediate level community organizer national training conferences that can help citizens to pass laws and become engaged on a county and state level, please visit: https://lookaheadamerica.org/ntc.
View PDF of this press release here.