Washington, DC – Look Ahead America just published the long-awaited replies from many county clerks in Georgia. We sent each affected county clerk’s office inquiries concerning questionable and potentially illegal voters that we had identified from the 2020 General Election voter rolls and that we summarized in our Georgia Report. The report was initially dismissed or ignored by Secretary of State (SOS) Raffensperger as well as several prominent Democrats. However, since then, the county clerks and SOS Raffensperger’s own investigators have initiated investigations into many cases we brought their way.
Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research, made the following statement:
We commend the Secretary of State’s Office for finally having the courage to look into our meticulous and well-documented research. That is much more than the FBI did when Matt Braynard submitted it to them in late 2020. Perhaps they are too busy targeting parents who question whether their school boards should be teaching gender identity to their kids. We hope that not only will this clean up the voter rolls in Georgia and lead to some prosecutions, but also that this will close off loopholes and vulnerabilities apparently long exploited and overlooked by state agencies and authorities. We encourage all citizens to take up this work and if they see something wrong in the voter rolls, to raise hell until they get a satisfactory answer.
To read the full details of the report, check it out at https://lookaheadamerica.org/gaclerks.
For the Georgia Report, you may find it here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/georgiareport.
To read how Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger validated our method for detecting fraud and illegal registrations using the NCOA: https://lookaheadamerica.org/gasosncoa/.
View PDF of this press release here.