Look Ahead America Publishes Follow Up Responses from AZ, PA & WI Clerks

Washington, DC – Look Ahead America is publishing follow up replies from clerks in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin who were late to reply to our prior inquiries about questionable and potentially illegal voters.

From the report:

At least one response was due to pressure from the reports made public as evidenced by the county clerk in York, PA. Some clerks may simply be overburdened with work, however, and the slow response time is indicative of their workloads. In any case we thank those clerks for responding, and we ask the public to view the voter rolls and ask those county clerks that have not yet responded to do so and to clean their rolls of questionable voters based on the information we provided.

Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research, made the following statement:

This goes to show that it only takes one person on a local level to make a difference in cleaning up the voter rolls. Instead of complaining on social media, patriots should be using that time and energy doing what we are doing to work with clerks to help them improve voter integrity. Otherwise if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. As Matt Braynard put it, dooming is a cope.

To read the full details of the report, check it out at https://lookaheadamerica.org/azpawi.

For the prior reports, you may find them here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/azreport/ https://lookaheadamerica.org/paresponses/https://lookaheadamerica.org/wiclerks/.

View PDF of this press release here.