Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Ian Camacho, Look Ahead America’s (LAA) Director of Research, testified under oath in front of the Hamilton County Elections Board regarding what appeared to be a double voter in the 2020 General Election.
During the hearing, in addition to Camacho’s testimony and submitted evidence, the board discovered that the voter in question registered to vote in Arizona as early as April 2019, sold his Indiana property in April 2020, requested an absentee ballot in August 2020, and claimed permanently moved status in October 2020 according to the National Change of Address (NCOA). These factors would make his 2020 vote cast ineligible and illegal under several state statutes beyond the initial double voting allegation.
In 2022, Indiana lawmakers made double voting a felony, which carries up to 2.5 years in prison.
Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research stated:
I appreciated the opportunity to testify in front of the Hamilton County Elections Board and present our evidence as objectively as possible. I do not know this voter, nor do I care how he voted, other than he should have done so honestly and legally. Unfortunately, it did not appear to be based on evidence we uncovered.
I have faith that the prosecutors will consider all the evidence and the board’s recommendation in order to restore faith in our elections and our judicial process.
Earlier this year, LAA convicted a double voter in Tennessee on three counts: https://lookaheadamerica.org/convictiontn/.
LAA also had a voter fraud case referred to the Georgia Attorney General by the State Board of Elections last month: https://lookaheadamerica.org/gasbe/.
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View PDF of this press release here.