Look Ahead America Research Results in Voter Fraud Conviction

Washington, D.C. – As a result of information submitted by Look Ahead America (LAA), Emily Jessop Bowers was convicted on Monday in Bradley County, Tennessee, of three counts of felony double voting in the 2020 and 2022 General Elections and in the 2022 Primary Election.

Ian Camacho, Director of Research, made a formal statement:

We give our thanks to Tennessee Election Coordinator Mr. Mark Goins for investigating this case, Volusia County Florida Supervisor of Elections Lisa Lewis for coordinating information, and Bradley County Assistant District Attorney General Mr. Joe Hoffer for a successful conviction.

It is vindicating to see our work lead to a successful conviction, and we look forward to more progress in the many pending cases that we are pursuing around the country.

While we have documented many cases of voter fraud, few are convicted due states and localities refusing to prioritize election integrity. We encourage state legislators to remedy this by dedicating resources for these prosecutions and for state and local law enforcement agencies to follow Bradley County’s lead and take voter fraud seriously.

Learn more about Look Ahead America and how to support our efforts at https://LookAheadAmerica.org.


For a downloadable press release, click here: LAA_PR_TN_Conviction.