2023 was a tremendous time of progress for Look Ahead America, and 2024 is shaping up to be our most important year yet.

To Recap 2023

Election Integrity
We cleaned thousands of illegitimate voters off the roles, successfully opened hundreds of cases with election authorities, earned criminal referrals going after those committing voter fraud, and earned our first convictions.

J6 Advocacy
We continued our podcast series to give political prisoners the opportunity to share the struggles of their persecution uncensored, expanded the largest database documenting the legal struggles of all J6 arrestees, and launched our Jobs for J6 program to help those who have lost their livelihood due to their persecution again find gainful employment.

Voter Turnout
We conducted our first large-scale voter turnout operation targeting 27,000 disaffected patriotic Americans of rural and blue collar background in Virginia. The preliminary analysis shows we were able to get half of them to cast a ballot, and their votes were determinative in at least one critical state senate election.

What’s ahead for 2024?

Voter List Hygiene.
We will launch an effort to clean the voter rolls in critical state ahead of the 2024 General Election and put data in the hands of volunteers to challenge possibly illegitimate votes at the local level.

J6 Anniversary and the J6 Question.
We will continue our high-profile efforts to shift public opinion on the J6 political prosecutions with a protest at the Department of Justice in DC on the third anniversary of January 6th. We’ve held over 70 events all over the country, including four in DC, and not one attendee has ever been arrested. We encourage you to come (more info at https://lookaheadamerica.org/j62024/).

Patriotic Voter Turnout
More and more donors are learning about our program that allows them to choose what geography we conduct our targeted turnout, and we look forward to having a big impact in 2024.

Beyond these three areas, we have even more going on to help Patriots make their voices heard, like our completely free Beginner Community Organizer Training session on January 16th (sign up here: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/BCOT/).

As the year comes to a close, I ask that you consider making a generous gift to Look Ahead America. Donating to us is different from donating to typical political causes for the following reasons:

    • Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.
    • Your donation is not publicly disclosed and your personal information is kept private.
    • You can earmark your contribution to any of our causes that you deem most important.

You can give online at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Donate or by sending a check to Look Ahead America, 722 12th ST NW, Suite 538, Washington DC 20005.

Thank you for all your support so far and please join us in making 2024 our best year yet.

America First, America Forever.
Matt Braynard

PS: No organization punches above its weight like Look Ahead America. Please make a tax-deductible, non-disclosed contribution today at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Donate.

Voter Registration and Turnout: Beating the Left at their Own Game

Join us at Turning Point’s America Fest 2023 in room 124 AB on Sunday at 11 AM. Pre-register below!



Rasmussen Reports/Heartland Institute Poll Supports LAA’s Research Reports

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports released their poll results which found that 17% of mail-in voters admitted to voting “in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident” during the 2020 presidential election.

Look Ahead America (LAA) previously released reports on Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona which mentioned the National Change of Address (NCOA) and Out of State Subsequent Registrations (OOSSR) as a means to detect ineligible and illegal voters.

LAA’s Georgia Report shows a figure of 17.1% of Georgia voters cast OOSSR ballots, an almost perfect match with the poll’s results. Its work has since led the State Board of Elections (SBOE) to refer a voter to the GA attorney general for prosecution, while other cases are pending review.

LAA’s Wisconsin Report also showed 20.4% of Wisconsin voters did so illegally under OOSSR, and WEC referred six voters from the report to district attorneys for prosecution.

Ian Camacho, Director of Research, commented:

This poll validates all the research we did since 2021, as do official prosecution referrals and over 280 cases under investigation. Those reporters, government officials, and think tanks that previously “debunked” our work will spin this naturally but data does not lie. Thank you volunteers who were ahead of the curve and pollsters for validating our finds!

The Georgia Report: https://lookaheadamerica.org/georgiareport/.

LAA’s Georgia case referred by the SBOE: https://lookaheadamerica.org/gasbe/.

The Wisconsin Report: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wisconsinreport/.

WEC Referral Press Release: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wecprosecutions/.

The Arizona Report: https://lookaheadamerica.org/AZReport/.

To support LAA, visit https://LookAheadAmerica.org/donate.

To volunteer, visit https://LookAheadAmerica.org/volunteer.

View PDF of this press release here.


J6 2024 Rally

Look Ahead America (LAA) has secured all necessary permits to conduct a protest outside the Department of Justice in Washington DC at noon on Saturday, January 6th, 2024.

The protest will feature several special guests and LAA invites all incumbents and qualified candidates for Federal office to speak at the event. Please contact Julie Fisher at Julie.Fisher@LookAheadAmerica.org if interested.

Look Ahead America’s founder and executive director Matt Braynard made the following statement:

This protest is to send the message that patriotic Americans have not forgotten the continuing abuses and injustices suffered by our brothers and sisters at the hands of the DOJ and FBI following their peaceful participation in Capitol protests three years ago.

We will again raise our voices to tell the DOJ, the FBI, the Biden Administration, and the country that we demand pardons, clemency, and leniency for our fellow Americans who’ve been persecuted not for their actions but for their political beliefs.

The protest will take place outside the Department of Justice at 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington on Saturday, January 6th, 2024 at noon.

View the PDF of this press release here.

To receive updates:




LAA More Than Doubles Its Open Voter Fraud Cases

We have more than doubled our opened voter fraud cases to 281 in eight states, up from 134 cases opened in six states in May 2023. This tally includes eight cases currently referred to District Attorneys and Attorney Generals for prosecution.

Read our Press Release: https://lookaheadamerica.org/doublevoterfraudcases/.

View all ten pages of case numbers and details here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/2023Cases.

The press release from May appears here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/OpenCasesPR/.

LAA Will Be at AmericaFest

If you’re in Phoenix, Arizona from December 16-19, stop by our AmericaFest booth to say hi!

LAA In The News

Middle Voters Will Still Remember the Economy Was Better Under Trump: Head of Look Ahead America
As presidential primaries inch closer, recent polls are causing concern for Democrats. So who has the advantage in a potential rematch, President Joe Biden, or former President Donald Trump? To discuss this, we sit down with Matt Braynard, Executive Director at Look Ahead America.

Double, double, toil and voters
Ryan Wiggins talks with Ian Camacho of Look Ahead America about voter fraud.


I want to pay you $1000. https://LookAheadAmerica.org/J6Question.

FREE!  January 2024 Beginner Community Organizer Training


Join our Guilded Community: Guilded video tutorial https://youtu.be/hTrP6YQBq1c

LAA Monday Book Club – Currently reading Middlemarch by George Eliot. Learn more at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/BookClub.

Please Help!

All of our audits, training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at https://lookaheadamerica.org/donate/.

When you shop with Goodshop with thousands of online retailers, you don’t just save. You also give, at no extra cost. https://www.goodshop.com/causes/look-ahead-america

Connect with LAA on Social Media ​​​​​​

America First, America Forever.

LAA More Than Doubles Its Open Voter Fraud Cases from 134 to 281

Washington, D.C. – Look Ahead America (LAA) more than doubled its opened voter fraud cases to 281 in eight states, up from 134 cases opened in six states in May 2023. This tally includes eight cases currently referred to District Attorneys and Attorney Generals for prosecution.

Ian Camacho, Director of Research, made the following comment:

We thank the election boards and investigators that worked quickly to move eight of our cases forward for prosecution. LAA continues to lead the way with its evidence-based claims and data in reports as well as get actionable results from our findings; few other “election experts” have one conviction, one case referred to prosecution, or even cleaned voter rolls despite all their fundraising.

We ask that the other states which have our cases open to examine the evidence and data in a timely manner instead of running out the clock on the statute of limitations, or worse, dismissing these complaints without review. We appreciate our volunteers and supporters that continue to send us leads and tips for review.

View all ten pages of case numbers and details here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/2023Cases.

LAA removed names of the accused until they are public record to avoid impacting the outcomes of the investigation or prosecution, however, the media may get additional details upon request.

The press release from May appears here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/OpenCasesPR/.

To support LAA and make a tax-deductible donation, visit: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/donate.

Volunteer with LAA at: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/volunteer.

Download PDF of this press release here.


LAA Wisconsin Volunteers’ Complaints Result in 6 Referrals for Prosecution

LAA Wisconsin Volunteers’ Complaints Result in Six WEC Referrals for Prosecution

LAA notified municipal clerks of thousands of potentially illegal voters after publishing The Wisconsin Report. Shortly after, Meagan Wolfe, WEC Administrator, issued the clerks warnings not to take advice nor answer questions from LAA, resulting in many remaining on the rolls. LAA then requested assistance from its Wisconsin volunteers in the affected counties to file formal complaints on these ineligible voters as required by state law. Nearly all complaints were immediately rejected with threats of $500 fines for filing “potentially frivolous claims.”

Read the Press Release here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wecprosecutions/.

LAA In The News

Look Ahead America: Wisconsin volunteers’ complaints net six WEC referrals for prosecution

LAA notified municipal clerks of thousands of potentially illegal voters after publishing The Wisconsin Report. Shortly after, Meagan Wolfe, WEC Administrator, issued the clerks warnings not to take advice nor answer questions from LAA, resulting in many remaining on the rolls. LAA then requested assistance from its Wisconsin volunteers in the affected counties to file formal complaints on these ineligible voters as required by state law. Nearly all complaints were immediately rejected with threats of $500 fines for filing “potentially frivolous claims.”



I want to pay you $1000. https://LookAheadAmerica.org/J6Question.

FREE!  January 2024 Beginner Community Organizer Training


Sunday Movie Nights. Your best channel for movies? The LAA GUILDED SERVER!
Join us Sundays at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern. http://guilded.gg/Look-Ahead-America

    • November 26 — Saints and Strangers

Join our Guilded Community: Guilded video tutorial https://youtu.be/hTrP6YQBq1c

LAA Monday Book Club – Currently reading Middlemarch by George Eliot. Learn more at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/BookClub.

Please Help!

All of our audits, training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at https://lookaheadamerica.org/donate/.

When you shop with Goodshop with thousands of online retailers, you don’t just save. You also give, at no extra cost. https://www.goodshop.com/causes/look-ahead-america

Connect with LAA on Social Media ​​​​​​

America First, America Forever.

LAA Wisconsin Volunteers’ Complaints Net Six WEC Referrals for Prosecution

Washington, D.C. – The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) will refer six voters registered at P.O. Boxes to the Dane, Kenosha, Marinette, and Waukesha County District Attorneys for prosecution based on complaints from three Look Ahead America (LAA) Wisconsin volunteers.

LAA notified municipal clerks of thousands of potentially illegal voters after publishing The Wisconsin Report. Shortly after, Meagan Wolfe, WEC Administrator, issued the clerks warnings not to take advice nor answer questions from LAA, resulting in many remaining on the rolls. LAA then requested assistance from its Wisconsin volunteers in the affected counties to file formal complaints on these ineligible voters as required by state law. Nearly all complaints were immediately rejected with threats of $500 fines for filing “potentially frivolous claims.”

Notably, after the Wisconsin House of Representatives referred Wolfe for articles of impeachment last week, the board unanimously approved LAA-based complaints.

Ian Camacho, Director of Research, made the following comment:

Given WEC’s past hostility to LAA and our volunteers, and now Wolfe’s possible removal, it’s obvious WEC is trying to save face, however we’ll take the victory and vindication. We appreciate all our volunteers who helped with the Wisconsin Report and filed the complaints. We couldn’t do it without your persistence.

LAA will provide copies for the media upon request to avoid potentially affecting case outcomes.

View PDF of this press release here.

The Wisconsin Report appears here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wisconsinreport/.

Clerks’ replies to LAA’s information appear here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wiclerks/ , https://lookaheadamerica.org/azgawi , and https://lookaheadamerica.org/azpawi.

WEC’s notification to clerks about LAA’s efforts appear here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220607092219/https://elections.wi.gov/node/8356.

WEC’s replies to the volunteers appear here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wec2022/.

To support LAA, visit: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/donate and https://LookAheadAmerica.org/volunteer.


LAA Ohio and Iowa Volunteers Clean 1,450 Ineligible Voters from State Rolls

Look Ahead America continues to lead the way in empowering regular citizens to help clean up their voter rolls and prevent illegal ballots from being cast. With the support of our donors, we will continue to develop and expand this program.

Read the Press Release:  https://lookaheadamerica.org/iowaohio/.

LAA Congratulates Iowa Attorney General

LAA congratulates Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird for her recent announcement that her office will proactively prosecute election misconduct and fraud cases.

Read the Press Release:  https://lookaheadamerica.org/agiowa/.


I want to pay you $1000. https://LookAheadAmerica.org/J6Question.

FREE!  January 2024 Beginner Community Organizer Training

Sunday Movie Nights. Your best channel for movies? The LAA GUILDED SERVER! 
Join us Sundays at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern. http://guilded.gg/Look-Ahead-America

    • November 12 — American Experience: The Pilgrims
    • November 19 — Revenant
    • November 26 — Saints and Strangers

Join our Guilded Community: Guilded video tutorial https://youtu.be/hTrP6YQBq1c

LAA Monday Book Club – Currently reading Middlemarch by George Eliot. Learn more at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/BookClub.

Please Help!

All of our audits, training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at https://lookaheadamerica.org/donate/.

When you shop with Goodshop with thousands of online retailers, you don’t just save. You also give, at no extra cost. https://www.goodshop.com/causes/look-ahead-america

Connect with LAA on Social Media ​​​​​​

America First, America Forever.