Washington, D.C. – Look Ahead America (LAA) has received all 16 cases that the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office May 2022 press release about voter fraud in the 2020 General Election mentioned.
All 16 cases were dismissed by the Yuma District Attorney, despite in some cases the suspects essentially admitting that they had committed voter fraud.
Ian Camacho, Director of Research, made a formal statement:
We will forward this information to the other states involved (Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island) as their statute of limitations haven’t yet expired. Sadly, Colorado had many cases but gives only 18 months to prosecute as they don’t take this seriously.
Everyone who cares about honesty, transparency, fairness, justice, and election integrity should be concerned when prosecutors refuse to do their jobs despite overwhelming evidence. Even for the handful of cases rightfully dismissed, the voter appeared to be the victim of voter fraud, and nothing was done about it in further investigations. We should also be concerned when the media either exaggerates or downplays actual cases as this distorts the actual facts and gravity of the situation.
We will strive to provide all the receipts and be as transparent at LAA in order to bring more attention to an issue that the media and lawmakers seem to downplay and ignore despite concern from Americans from both sides of the aisle.
The press release from the Sheriff’s office appears at https://www.yumacountysheriff.org/pr-2022/PR-2022-30-Yuma-County-Voting-Fraud.pdf
The report and press release of LAA’s double voter case submitted to Yuma County appears at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Yuma.
All 16 cases and the email from the Yuma Sheriff’s Office appears at https://LookAheadAmerica.org/Yuma16/
LAA_PR_Yuma16CasesTo download this press release, click here: LAA_PR_Yuma16Cases.