Washington, DC – Two days ago, Look Ahead America (LAA) announced that its Wisconsin volunteers received threats of $500 fines if they filed “frivolous complaints” of illegal voter registrations to the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC). Today, LAA publishes these complaints to the WEC, and the WEC replies thus far received.
LAA’s Director of Research, Ian Camacho, stated:
We are releasing these for the public to review. We made best efforts to provide primary sources, solid documentation, and proper legal citations of illegal voter registrations. The problem isn’t just that these complaints were rejected but that the WEC offered no explanation why they were rejected.
It is unreasonable for the WEC to dismiss without explanation cases of what appear to be double voters and people who registered in new states before voting in Wisconsin, which is illegal. Fortunately, there are county District Attorneys, Secretaries of States in other states, clerks and fraud units at the DMV that are investigating these as well.
If the WEC won’t do its job, then why shouldn’t the Wisconsin legislature vote to dissolve the WEC and give oversight of elections back to the Wisconsin Secretary of State?
To review the report with complaints and replies, visit https://lookaheadamerica.org/wec2022/.
For The Wisconsin Report, which uncovered ineligible voters in 2020 in Wisconsin, visit: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wisconsinreport/.
For the Wisconsin clerk replies to LAA’s work, visit: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wiclerks/ , https://lookaheadamerica.org/azgawi/ , and https://lookaheadamerica.org/azpawi/.
Visit PDF of this press release here.