Wisconsin Volunteers Needed to File Complaints & #J6 w/Ashli Babbitt’s Mother

Wisconsin Volunteers Needed to File Complaints on Voter Roll Fraud Cases

We need all Wisconsinites to assist us. Only they can file formal complaints against voters and clerks in their municipalities. We will get you the resources to help clean up the rolls and administrative stonewalling.

The ensuing compilation, over 150 pages, reveals all responses and can be found here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/wiclerks/.

If you can help, please contact Ian Camacho, Research Director, ian.camacho@lookaheadamerica.org.

#J6 Rally with Ashli Babbitt’s Mother

Please join us as we support Micki Witthoeft at the DC Gulag to stand in solidarity with the J6 Political Prisoners and sing the National Anthem with them. Bring your chairs, flags, candles, and bullhorns to 1901 D Street SE, Washington, DC on Tuesday, August 30th from 7-9:30 PM. Let’s draw national attention to those being indefinitely detained in direct violation of their Constitutionally-protected Bill of Rights and Due Process! Invitation attached. Note: Micki is there every night in August.

RSVP https://lookaheadamerica.org/justiceforj6rally/

To learn more details about the status of the J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at https://j6.lookaheadamerica.org/j6/.

You may also listen to our interviews with Micki and some of the prisoners to hear their stories firsthand on our podcast “The Political Prisoner” at https://anchor.fm/politicalprisoner.


“Too Big To Fail” Movie Night

This Sunday, August 28th we will be showing “Too Big To Fail” which chronicles the 2008 financial meltdown, focusing on the actions of U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (William Hurt) and Ben Bernanke (Paul Giamatti), Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, to contain the problems during the period of August 2008 to October 13, 2008. The film starts with clips of news reports about the mortgage industry crisis and the forced sale of the troubled Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase, with Fed guarantees.

An epilogue notes that the banks did not, in fact, use the loan money as intended, but instead returned it at their earliest opportunity, and the stock market still crashed and was followed by a rash of home foreclosures. Nevertheless, bank mergers continued in the wake of the crisis, and now only 10 financial institutions hold 77% of all U.S. banking assets and have been declared too big to fail.

The film boasts an all-star cast including James Woods, William Hurt and Edward Asner.

Join us in the Discord Movie Theater for the film and in movie-chat for great conversation at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern on https://discord/gg/LookAheadAmerica. Video tutorial to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4FAzxTJGjk&t=25s.

Training Webinar This Wednesday

Beginning Community Organizing Live Interactive Webinar will be held on August 24th, 2022 at 6 PM Eastern / 3 PM Pacific. Please schedule up to three hours; time varies depending on the number of participants. RSVP for the link www.lookaheadamerica.org/trainingwebinar.

Charlotte, NC • Free Intermediate Community Organizing Training Course This Weekend!

Unlike Con Inc. events that are more about making money than helping the movement, there is no cost to attend, but we do ask you to attend training of 12 hours on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. The selected venues are extremely affordable and easily accessible from nearby airports.

Those who successfully complete the conference will receive LAA’s Intermediate Community Organizer Certification.

Please Help!

All of our training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at https://lookaheadamerica.org/donate/.

When you shop AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to LAA, https://smile.amazon.com/ch/82-1645970.

America First, America Forever.

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