Washington, DC – Look Ahead America (LAA) has published replies from district attorneys in North Carolina and Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC), and the Georgia Secretary of State (SOS) Investigators all involving our inquiries about double voters in NC, WI, AZ, GA, and FL, Florida felons who voted in Georgia, P.O. Box voters, and more cases that have moved on to formal investigations. The report shows that the double voter in Yuma, AZ and Marathon, WI provided in our Arizona Report has also been corroborated by the WEC.
From the report:
In this report, we received responses from the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) which confirmed our double voter find in Arizona and Wisconsin as was also acknowledged by the municipal clerks and Marathon County District Attorney in Wisconsin. We provide the receipts. As mentioned in our Arizona report, the Yuma County Sheriff announced an investigation into this and 15 other cases (which Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote tried taking credit for but were shown to be false).
Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research, made the following statement:
This evidence shows that 538’s hack journalist (but I repeat myself) Kaleigh Rogers intentionally ignored and misrepresented significant evidence presented in our interview as we discussed this particular case along with several P.O. Box cases. Since many of these are moving forward with the GA SOS and various DA’s across the country, it would seem that she has made the baseless claims. In the end, truth always wins and fortunately we have all the receipts. For those who wonder why trust in the mainstream media and failed polling outlet 538 is at an all-time low, this is another example.
To read the full details of the report, check it out at https://lookaheadamerica.org/doublevoters.
For the prior reports, you may find them here:
https://lookaheadamerica.org/azreport/, https://lookaheadamerica.org/gaclerks/, https://lookaheadamerica.org/wiclerks/, https://lookaheadamerica.org/azpawi/, & https://lookaheadamerica.org/azgawi/
For Ian Camacho’s interview with 538’s Kaleigh Rogers, you can view the full video with the redacted voter data here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/rogersresponse/.
View PDF of this press release here.