Look Ahead America has an Exciting Announcement!
We hope you can join us for our nationwide monthly Grassroots Community Organizing Online Meeting with special guest Noor Bin Ladin!
Login on Thursday, June 16 at 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific to this web addrss: https://meet.google.com/hou-otzy-uyi. Read about this patriot on her website: https://www.noorbinladin.com/about.
Community Organizer Training
Learn how you can join our nationwide team of patriots in America First endeavors!
We’ve scheduled our live interactive Community Organizer Training Webinar for Wednesday, July 6 at 6 PM Eastern / 3 PM Pacific. The link to join will be emailed that morning to the email address you enter on our signup form: https://lookaheadamerica.org/trainingwebinar/.
We Released the Long-Awaited Arizona Report!
LAA’s previously released Georgia, Wisconson and Pennsylvania Reports already put the outcome of the 2020 General Election into question beyond a reasonable doubt, and now the Arizona Report shrinks the margin of victory by nearly 3,000 ballots. These finds, all available to journalists and government entities upon request, should cause concern and help bring about reforms to how the voter rolls are reviewed and cleaned. Read our report here: https://lookaheadamerica.org/azreport/.
Speaking of Voter Rolls…Wisconsin Election Commission Doesn’t Like LAA Cleaning Theirs!
WEC wrote an FAQ “warning” to all 1,850 WI clerks not to speak with us. Looks like some don’t want us to rock the boat, but this is a good thing. Please share with friends and family to show that LAA is making waves: https://www.thecentersquare.com/wisconsin/wec-local-election-managers-don-t-have-to-respond-to-voter-roll-questions/article_211d7e0c-e5d1-11ec-9a83-0f5ecd5f25e9.html
Discord Ask Me Anything (AMA)
Join us tonight on Discord with Steak for Breakfast Podcast at 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific, https://discord.gg/LookAheadAmerica . Video tutorial to join Discord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4FAzxTJGjk&t=25s
Patriotic Souls to the Polls
PSP in Georgia is coordinating with the Faith Wins organization, which has close connections with influential conservative faith leaders in Georgia. Our outreach is working on a “Church the Vote” program, which will prepare people of faith for the 2022 November election. We’re also coordinating voter registration drives outside of churches and the SE Homeschool Convention.
Our Patriotic Souls to the Polls test case of Sunday Voting proved very successful in the May primary. Not only did the newly offered Sunday vote day generate more voter turnout, the data shows that the turnout was reflective of what you would expect from a conservative county.
Please Help!
All of our national programs and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our work with a contribution today at https://lookaheadamerica.org/donate/.
America First, America Forever.