Look Ahead America (LAA) is excited to announce that Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar is going to address the Rally Against Political Persecution at the Department of Justice this Saturday at noon in Washington.
Also speaking will be John Pierce, an attorney representing over a half-dozen of those being persecuted for non-violent participation in the January 6 protest, and the father of one of those being imprisoned without charges or bail.
Matt Braynard, Executive Director of Look Ahead America, made the following statement:
Every day we learn more and more about the government’s duplicity and complicity in shaping a phony narrative of ‘insurrection’ and using it to persecute and imprison innocent, patriotic Americans for their political beliefs.
We are honored that Representative Gosar is going to speak to us at the front door of the Department of Justice to put them and the FBI on notice that we will not ignore these blatant violations of the civil and legal rights of our brothers and sisters.
We encourage everyone to join us for a peaceful rally outside the Department of Justice on 10th Street NW between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenue from noon to 1 PM.
For more information about the rally, please visit https://www.lookaheadamerica.org/rally or email rally@lookaheadamerica.org.
To learn more details about the status of the J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at https://j6.lookaheadamerica.org/j6/.
You may also listen to our interviews with some of these prisoners and hear their stories firsthand on our podcast “The Political Prisoner” at https://anchor.fm/politicalprisoner.