Washington, DC – Look Ahead America (LAA) commends Jason Miyares, Attorney General of Virginia, on his announcement of a 20-person election integrity unit. This completely complies with our organization’s vision of one of the six major election reforms needed to improve state and federal elections. From the LAA Election Integrity Initiatives:
- Creation and Sufficient Funding for a Dedicated Voter Fraud Investigation Division within the State’s Attorney General’s Office.
Many states have little to no standing effort to investigate voter fraud. Dedicating a sufficient level of staffing and funding to a permanent division within the state’s attorney general’s office will help to defend the integrity of our elections.
Matt Braynard, Executive Director of LAA, made the following statement:
This is one of many steps in the right direction that we have seen a number of states around the country take to clean up election integrity. 2020 was a stress test on our election security and in many ways, we failed this as a nation and everybody saw that happen in real time. The silver lining here is that now we know the weaknesses and issues of what needs to be worked on. With this office in Virginia is that they have the staff to dedicate the resources and time needed to give serious investigations to legitimate claims. Anybody who is opposed to this is obviously on the side of criminality and lawlessness, and furthermore are the primary source of overworked and understaffed election clerks that lead to high turnover. Remember that for when it is time to vote these people out of office.
To read all of Look Ahead America’s Election Integrity Initiatives, you may find them here:
View PDF of this press release here.