Here comes Florida’s Audit!

Here comes Florida!

That’s right…thanks to the support of our donors, we are able to expand our pre-election voter list audit to eight states! We are now working on FL, AZ, GA, OH, NC, NV, PA, and VA.

If you can join our research team to help with these audits, please contact our Research Director, Ian Camacho

Adding a state costs us about $10,000 in data sourcing and processing costs, so if you’d like to contribute so we can continue adding states, make a tax-free donation here:

ICYMI…Monthly Online Meeting with #J6 Panel

If you were unable to join our meeting last Thursday to hear from America’s Shaman Jake Chansley’s mother, Martha Chansley, and Gary McBride, a video investigator who shares the truth about what happened on January 6th, you can watch on our YouTube Channel

If you are moved to write to Jake: Jacob Chansley, 24866509 Federal Correctional Institution, PO Box 9000, Safford, AZ 85546.

The Political Prisoner podcast, presented by Look Ahead America, offers personal accounts and commentary on the events that took place at our nation’s Capitol on January 6. We expose the unequal justice in our justice system and how innocent Americans have become targets of their own government.

Visit our J6 database for more details about each defendant:

October Training Webinar

If you missed previous Beginning Community Organizing Live Interactive Webinars, the next is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 at 6 PM Eastern / 3 PM Pacific.

Please schedule up to three hours; time varies depending on the number of participants. RSVP for the link

Please Help!

All of our training conferences, national programs, and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our America First work with a contribution today at

When you shop Amazon, AmazonSmile will make a donation to LAA,

America First, America Forever.