We received helpful feedback from many of the organizations with whom we shared our unredacted data. Thanks to their help, we’ve made the following improvements to the report.
Find the new report in a downloadable PDF here.
The GA Report Revision AHere are some of the key changes:
• We discovered that we under-reported in Tranche One by additional 345 illegal registrations, boosting the illegal votes in the margin of victory from 1,056 to 1,401, or up from 9% to 12%.
• We also added subdivisions and severity rankings of all the items in Tranche One in anticipation of counter arguments that these were transposed Mailing Addresses.
• We reviewed three of our challenged examples that we coded as illegally cast vote determinations. We provided additional data in Appendix A to show that these voters definitely lived out of state and did not qualify as absentee voters.
• The 2015 study that we cited and GA SOS Raffensperger’s recent removal of over 100,000 supposedly inactive voters using the NCOA validates our methodology. While the 2017 article we also cited for OOSSR does not mention NCOA, it actually fortifies our NCOA claims and methodology.
• We corrected MOE downward in Tranches Two and Three per a previous miscalculation.
• We reviewed some previously undetermined cases in Tranche Two. We determined that another twelve were illegally cast ballots, while determining three of them were legal.
• Upon reviewing our data that we collected, we believe that we actually underreported our findings. Since The Georgia Report only presented three of the six types of illegal votes being considered, it was more likely that the report understated the number of illegal votes in Georgia because our study was incomplete.