Lycoming County, PA Elections Director Validates Fraudulent Registrations Submitted by Look Ahead America

Washington, D.C. – In May 2022, Look Ahead America (LAA) provided eleven voters registered at P.O. Boxes and cast ballots in 2020 General Election to Lycoming County, PA Elections Director, Forrest K. Lehman as potentially fraudulent voters. Lehman ultimately confirmed that six registrations were fraudulent, while also confirming that he had removed two just prior to the notification, and recently had re-registered the other three at now eligible residential addresses.

Although other voter groups sued for a forensic audit of the results, Lycoming won on the grounds that the state lacks a provision in the Election Code for an audit.

Nevertheless, Ian Camacho, LAA’s Director of Research stated:

This news report again shows that Look Ahead America has a solid 100% accuracy rate in Lycoming, PA; all eleven voters were ineligible to register from their P.O. Box locations in the 2020 General Election as confirmed by Mr. Lehman, thus making their ballots cast ineligible and possibly even illegal. 

Whether this was due to voters intentionally deceiving the clerks, or major flaws with the PA DMV is unknown, but state officials must address these vulnerabilities immediately before they recur in the next major election.

For information about the case and independent corroboration of the data, read more at

For the email interactions between LAA and Lycoming County, read the report at:

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View PDF of press release here.


(Photo use courtesy of Nicholas A. Tonelli)