LAA Reports Lead to Voter Rolls Hygiene & Community Organizer Training

LAA Effecting Positive Changes to Inaccurate Voter Rolls

Since our Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania reports have been submitted, clerks have utilized our data to remove ineligible voters and illegal registrations, as well as look into prosecutions and investigations for this cases. Our Research Department is also filing official complaints with Wisconsin Election Commission.

We are compiling a digest of the clerks’ responses to our demand for voter roll hygiene, which will be published soon.

Community Organizer Training

One Saturday, June 4th, I conducted a live interactive Community Organizer Training Webinar. The positive feedback we received has prompted us to schedule another in July, with signup information being sent out next week.

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All of our national programs and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our work with a contribution today at

America First, America Forever.