Washington, D.C. – Look Ahead America Executive Director Matt Braynard made the following statement:
As a result of Look Ahead America’s election integrity research, Wisconsin Election Officials, the Yuma County Recorder Office, and the Yuma County Sheriff’s Department all agree that a crime has been committed involving a voter casting ballots in two different states in the 2020 General Election.
Despite this universal conclusion that a Class 5 Felony had been committed, the Yuma County Attorney’s office claims that there is still “insufficient evidence” to pursue the case. We encourage the people of Arizona to encourage the County Attorney to re-examine this evidence.
The most common form of voter fraud is caused by individuals casting ballots they are not entitled to cast. This disenfranchises legal voters. When prosecutors ignore violations of election law, it sends the message that voter fraud is acceptable and encourages it.
A summary of the supporting documents can be found here: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/AZDVSummary.
The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release in May 2022, which mentioned 16 open investigations into voting fraud, including double voting. LAA’s find was one of these 16: https://www.yumacountysheriff.org/pr-2022/PR-2022-30-Yuma-County-Voting-Fraud.pdf.
The Arizona Report, which showed that LAA notified the Yuma County Clerk in November 2021 before even ERIC notified Yuma County: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/azreport/.
The full investigatory report and Yuma Sherriff’s Office emails confirming that this case was one of the 16 in the 2021 press release can be found here: https://LookAheadAmerica.org/AZDV.
LAA_PR_AZ_DVTo download this press release, click here: LAA_PR_AZ_DV.