LAA Launches TV, Radio, Billboards to Discourage Non-Citizen Voting

Today, Look Ahead America launched our educational campaign to discourage noncitizens from voting, including TV, radio, and billboard ads running in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson. LAA’s Executive Director Matt Braynard mad the following statement:

Noncitizens voting in federal elections is illegal under the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.” However, there are still cases of it occurring, putting noncitizens at risk of facing serious charges and of affecting the outcome of our elections.

Just last month, the Department of Justice convicted an illegal immigrant from Guatemala of voting illegally. In August, Governor Glenn Youngkin removed 6,300 non-citizens from Virginia’s voter rolls. Even more troubling is a peer-reviewed, scientific study published in Electoral Studies found non-citizens voting in federal elections did, in fact, affect the outcome of critical elections.

And in recent months, the risk of non-citizens voting has increased, as the federal government has blocked the attempt by the state of Alabama from removing noncitizen voters from their roles, and Oregon admitted they mistakenly registered noncitizens to vote.

As a public service, Look Ahead America is delivering a message on Spanish-language TV, radio, and on billboards in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson: if you are a citizen, vote, but if you are not, you put yourself at risk of arrest and other serious consequences if you cast an illegal ballot.

We are hoping to raise funds to expand to other media markets, including Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and others. Those interested in making a tax-deductible, not-publicly-disclosed contribution to support this effort can do so at

View the PDF version of this press release here.