Look Ahead America’s Matt Braynard was joined by J6 defendant Thomas Caldwell in the latest episode of The Political Prisoner podcast.
Thomas Caldwell recommended a hotel to an acquaintance. For this, the FBI sent a SWAT team with weapons drawn to drag him out of his house at dawn and kept him in solitary confinement for 53 days before charging him with “conspiracy.”
To listen to the podcast, go to our Anchor homepage https://anchor.fm/politicalprisoner. You can also find us on Apple and Spotify.
To learn more details about the status of all the other J6 political prisoners, check out our comprehensive database at https://j6.lookaheadamerica.org/j6/.
Read the Epoch Times story regarding Thomas here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/navy-veteran-66-lives-an-american-horror-story-since-his-arrest-on-jan-6-seditious-conspiracy-charge_4338067.html
Support Thomas Caldwell: https://saveourfarmva.com/.
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