Thanks for your interest in participating in the Ballot Challenge Program. We need to collect some additional information from you to make sure we share the correct data with you, so please fill out the form below if you are registered to vote in AZ, FL, GA, NV, NC, OH, PA, VA, or WI.
What you can do right now is reach out to your county Board of Elections to determine:
1. The time, place, and circumstances they will accept challenges for early and absentee ballots.
2. If they will provide you with a list of individuals who have voted early or absentee.
There are state laws that will guide this that you should read about under LAA_ChallengeGuidance. Counties often vary in how they carry out the law and how they use discretion.
Once we’ve confirmed you are a registered voter, we will provide you with data to share with the Board and that you can cross-reference with any list of early and absentee voters the county will provide you. We will also provide you with a guide on how to do supplemental research on ballots you are considering challenging.
We are also working to obtain the list of early and absentee voters directly from the state and will match them against the out of state list and then provide them to you to begin the process of making a challenge.
If you have any questions about this program, please email